Having left Felixstowe at 1335hrs I drove to West Hook Farm Campsite arriving at 1845hrs which would be my base for the next four nights, promptly erected my tent popped down to the local supermarket & then the chippy.
I had heard that you had to queue for a long time due to the popularity, but fortunately being near the end of the Puffin exodus the popularity had decreased, so fortunately I only had to queue at Lockley Lodge for 1hr 15mins and this was the same for Tuesday and Wednesday. Purchased my landing ticket £11 for Skomer Island which guaranteed me the 10am boat trip, then once onboard purchased the Boat trip £11
The weather was unbelieveable brilliant sunshine all week 32oc to be exact. Once on the island we were greeted by the assistant warden who gave us a talk on the island, stick to the footpaths and if needed sit on footpath no feet,bums,tripods or bags must be placed off the footpath, unfortunately I was to hear this 3 times. Great shame that some just didn't listen !! Once done off I strolled only interested in the Puffins and first stop was High Cliff and then Wick, crikey Puffins galore and what a time I had Photographing them.
Beings there was no boat trips to Skomer on Mondays I decided to pre-book a Fast Rib Evening Seabird Spectacular and I wasn't let down, yes more puffins but I came to see the Manx Shearwaters and sure enough we soon found 4 huge rafts of them. The Skipper killed the engines and drifted right into the middle of them,what a spectacle that was and a lifer for me.
Tuesday was my Birthday and what a great day it was too, Good friend Steve Oliver was holidaying in the Breacon Beacons and decided to join me for the day, what great company that was too and I really appreciated that he took the time and trouble to do the 190mile round trip. So pleased he also got some great shots. Although it was a laugh when we stood on High Cliff and Steve decide to change lens, I just turned round to see this lens hood tumble down the cliff, straight through the puffins and splash into the sea !! Before we knew it that was the end and time to catch the 1500 boat back, quick coffee then time for Steve to travel back. I couldn't resist another boat trip.
Wednesday was my last day, packed tent up, got landing tickets nipped down to the Clockhouse café for breakfast then to the boat for 10am, spent the next 5hrs with the Puffins getting some fantastic shots then all too soon it was time to catch the boat back at 3pm and then head off to my next exciting adventure at Rutland in the Horn Mill Trout Farm Osprey Photography hide for the next three days.

Manx Shearwaters