This has been a fantastic project and one that I am so glad I undertook.
Due to being in Lockdown and under Government Restrictions of Stay Home, Stay Local, this gave me the opportunity to target local wildlife and seek out Nature on my doorstep.
So at the beginning of March I set out, search the My Local Fields for the best places to watch and hopefully capture Brown Hares with the ultimate goal of capturing them Boxing.
I've still been working throughout the Pandemic, & working shifts, which to be honest was a great help, most weeks i was able to get out at least 2/3 times a week, varying what time I would go and how long I would stay.
At times it was frustrating, with distant views, but the more times I visited the better chance I got of seeing the Hares up close and sometimes too close, out of the 40 or so visits I made I was reward with some great close ups of Hares Hunkering down in the Crops, Feeding and interacting and then later Mating and Boxing.
Please do enjoy the Images and thankyou for visiting my Page.

My Hide

View of the Lane

View of the Field - North End

View of the Field - South side